The countess's spirit

The world of countess gérin is full of little stories which make the great one.

For generations and many vintages, champagne has been developed on its ancestral lands with the concern for excellence.

It has been prepared with very special care such as the countess’s noble clothes had been worked and embroidered with golden thread

"Only a woman can symbolize passion"

Passion, tradition, know-how, selection, prestige and intimacy. Words suggest images ...

The etiquette defined the rules that organized the royal family’s private life and its courtiers. It reached its apogee under the reign of louis xiv, the sun king.

It was therefore obvious for a countess to appear as well on the label of a bottle of champagne with golden glints.

This gold colour, which is part of our wines, is full of strenght, splendour and a kind of french-style luxury.

The black colour, which goes with the gold one, brings to mind sobriety and rigour, but also the darkness of our cellars’ secret and mystery, such as the one regarding countess gérin.

"Images from the past: a modern representation."

The story of countess gérin is also made of secrets which could only be revealed if previous generations were good enough to say.

Representations and portraits have been withstood the test of time thanks to works revisiting the past using paintbrushes, pencils and charcoals.

These paintings have been passed down from generation to generation until the current countess, who now perpetuates tradition and passion with refinement.

She respects and takes care of the transmission of an inherited know-how for a high-quality champagne and promotes french elegance on the international level.

The countess is passionate, almost inaccessible and rare... we find in her many characteristics peculiar to her champagnes, which make them very much sought after.